Sunday, October 8, 2017

G2E Interview with Andre Barnabei: Part 2

These questions were design to show the personal side of Andre.

5). What book would you recommend as a motivational tool? "Rich Dad Poor Dad."

6). What is your favorite restaurant and what would you order? "La Tavola. I would order a selection from the homemade pasta."

7).If you had a choice of a concert ticket, who would you go see out of this group?  Bruno Mars. Beyoncé or Lady Gaga. Tell the reader why. "Definitely Bruno Mars. He came to Pittsburgh and I wanted to take my wife but the tickets sold out before I could order two!"

8). What advice would you give a college student that is looking a gaming as a career?  "What are you waiting for! Get in the door as quickly as possible. Consider a PT job while in school or focus on securing an internship. Once you have your foot in the door, do not be afraid to try multiple departments Take the opportunity seriously,build your skill set and develop positive business relationships along the way."

This link to part one of this interview is here.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

G2E interview with Andre Barnabei - Rivers Casino

Andre' Barnabei serves as the Vice President of Slot Operations for Rivers Casino. Barnabei has more than 19 years of Human Resources and Operations experience in the gaming industry. He has been with Rivers Casino for 10 years and spent the initial 8 as the VP of Human Resources. Barnabei has work for Harrah Philadelphia and Mountaineer Casino in West Virginia. He earned his bachelor's degree in business administration & human resource management from Washington & Jefferson College in Washington Pa.

Andre' is attending G2E 2017 and agreed to answer a range of questions.

1). Describe your typical day?  "There is no typical day in the casino as every day bring new and exciting challenges. The only guarantee is that they will be guest interaction,team member interaction and business strategy discussions. The level of detail and involvement range  on a regular basis. I do my best each day to be home in time to be with my family prior to my children going to bed. Once they are settled in, I spend time with my wife, review some e-mail for work and watch TV."

2). What are you looking for when you attend the G2E?  "The next big thing! My goal is to keep our slot floor as refreshed as possible. Electronic Table games will surely be on the list of things to review closely."

3).You attended a pre G2E meeting in Atlantic City. Tell us what goes on prior to the conference in Las Vegas? "Multiple vendors conduct pre-G2E meetings which provide a more in depth personal review of their new software and hardware. It allows me the opportunity to better understand the vendors release schedule for their products but they always keep a few things back for the game show!"

4}. What are the differences between the gaming experience in a resort versus an urban market? 
"A big difference is the quanity regular guests. In an urban market, guests frequent the casino more often. Some of the urban guest have multiple trips per week. With that level of repeat customers. it is very important to find innovative ways to provide excellent guest service and to continue to refresh the gaming floor regularly."

Stay tune for Part two of this interview at the conclusion of the G2E.
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