Monday, April 2, 2012

Valley Forge and Revel Casino

Valley Forge Casino opened on Saturday night. They have a resort license and are a category three gaming establishment. They are smaller than the typical Pennsylvania Casinos because they are limited by the amount of slot machines and table games they can offer.  They can have no more than 500 slot machines and 50 table games. The table games offering can expand if they choose to do a tournament for poker or blackjack.
The one thing that the gaming public will have a hard time accepting about Valley Forge is that it requires a membership, that one be a guest of the hotel or an expenditure of 10 dollars or more at the mall. Most people are accustom to just walking in and playing.
I think there is a market for Valley Forge. They can be exclusive in what they do and advertise effectively. They can be similar to Boyd's of Philadelphia in the clothing field. This spot is for a select group.

Revel is a combination of something old and a lot of things new. The old is the Borgata principle that they have offering that are exclusive to them. Revel is renting space to the top restaurant and chefs.
If that not enough,they are going after the hottest entertainment. Revel is having Beyonce as the headliner on Memorial Day Weekend. There is more focus on the amenities than the gaming.
The gaming floor is small in comparison to other casinos in Atlantic City. They instead wanted to stagger the public with the decor and breathtaking architecture. Revel is the first casino to embrace the ocean view front.
They have taken the approach of being a smoke free environment. How that  will be accepted by the gaming public remains to be seen. It is a winner from the position of the workers.
The term limits Revel has imposed on certain positions with the company also is uncharted. These concepts allow Revel to add an influx of new blood and energy to the work environment..
                        Change is good. It is the future. Game On at both of these properties.

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