Friday, November 30, 2012
R. Kelly - Single Ladies Concert in Philadelphia
R.Kelly Single Ladies Concert in Philadelphia jumped off last night at
the Tower Theatre. The Tower is not the best venue in Philly for a concert
but it is accessible. I was on the second row of the balcony so my seats
were decent.
Tamia open the show for R and perform for 35 minutes. She sang most
of her fan favorites. Tamia hit a "Beautiful Surprise" and "A Stranger in
my House". She really tore up the song that brought her to prominence with
Quincy Jones, "You Put a Move on my Heart". The crowd was polite and
gave her a standing ovation as she left the stage.
R. Kelly came on stage 40 minutes later. He set up his entrance with a
countdown of R minus 20 minutes and did this up to the one minute mark.
He open the show with "Your Body Calling Me". He sang it in the usual
tempo,then slowed it down and closed it strong. He proceeded to sing
everything from "Bump N Grind" to "Ignition"
R. did a new feature in his show that included a theatre opera song and a
Kells Karaoke. He played a series of his songs from the beginning that the
crowd sang along with for 10 minutes while he interacted with the crowd.
He did the standard cage scene with a dancer that never seems to get old.
He closed his two hour performance with "I Believe I can Fly" and "When
a Woman Loves". He sent the crowd off into the night with "Step in the
Name of Love".
The crowd is older for "R" but they are the true R. Kelly fans. He has so many hit songs he was only able to do a snippet of each. Single Ladies Tour
is coming to a city near you. I recommend you check it out. Start by listening to two of Kells videos.
I Can't Sleep
Share My Love
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingGuyM
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Philadelphia & Atlantic City 2013
I am already thinking about 2013. I never want to just settle for what is
in front of me. As much as I enjoy the concert reviews, the games, the
live chat (GTLivechat),movies and travel, I am looking to expand the
range of my blog. I am not going to stray far from my core interest of
gaming related events but I want to add a personal touch to my writing.
So starting in January 2013, I will do one blog post a week highlighting
an aspiring person of interest. The person must be holding down a 40
hour a week job and pursuing a dream. Sound like someone you know?
The dream could be attaining a degree,landing a part in a stage or theatre
production or anything in between. I'll ask the person 7 questions that
will give a capsule version of their journey. This will give that person
additional exposure and serve as motivation to others.
So start thinking about that person that could fit the above description.
If you have someone in mind, reach out to me. If the person is outside
of the Philadelphia /Atlantic City area, we can connect via e mail.
I am excited about the possibilities of this! Are you?
Friday, November 23, 2012
Mary J. Blige Live Concert review,photos & videos
The Mary J. Blige Concert will start in 12 minutes. This is my 1st live blog
and I 'm excited. I have 3 of Mary's best videos and photos from her concert
in Philly at the Mann Music Center. That show was held in August.
Mary is coming out to Love with out a limit(All Night Long). She has a gray dress with thigh high black boots. She is performing in Atlanta. She keeps the energy going with "You bring Me Joy".
Mary slows it down with "I the Only Woman".She uses this as a rally cry
for the women in the audience. The name of the venue she is performing at
is The Tabernacle. It appears to be sold out. When she takes a break, check out the video below.
MJB continues with "You Gotta Believe". The crowd is singing along
and into the song. Most of the throng is female. She maintains the slow
pace with "I Never Want To Be Without You". I must have slept this cut
because I never heard it. So far, the pace of this show is not as fast as the one in Philly. When a concert is a televised event, the show must have a
balance due to the time restraints.
Mary acknowledges the crowd and remembers her beginnings. She brings out a teenage girl and they sing together. The girl's name is Katlyn Nicole.
She lets the girl sing by herself and she rips "I Going Down". Mary is real
and makes the girl's dream come true.
Mary returns to the stage with a black hat that match the boots. She rocks
the heck out of "Be With You". So far this is the best song of her set. She
is soulful and she ad libs the hook. She has the house lights turned up to
see the audience. She sings "Mary Joint".
No costume changes during this set.I would have preferred at least one. I also like when Mary wears her hair up. This is a good show but the one
in Philly was better.
Mary goes back to 1994 and sings "My Life". She don't even the 1st verse
because the crowd is singing to her. She really connects with this audience.
This typical Mary. She sings this in a jazzy Ella Fitzgerald style that is awesome. Killer light show during this song with a strong lead guitar that closes the song. Check out the videos and photos.
Real Love
from What's the 411
Wanna Be With You
from The BreakThrough
Don't Mind
from My Life II
Mary J. Blige is still the Queen of Hip Hop. This is after a two decade run. She has expanded from a music icon to a performer in stage and screen. One of the best live female concert performers.Only Beyonce is better. Enjoy the videos and the photos.
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
for my review of R.Kelly in Philly.
and I 'm excited. I have 3 of Mary's best videos and photos from her concert
in Philly at the Mann Music Center. That show was held in August.
Mary is coming out to Love with out a limit(All Night Long). She has a gray dress with thigh high black boots. She is performing in Atlanta. She keeps the energy going with "You bring Me Joy".
Mary slows it down with "I the Only Woman".She uses this as a rally cry
for the women in the audience. The name of the venue she is performing at
is The Tabernacle. It appears to be sold out. When she takes a break, check out the video below.
MJB continues with "You Gotta Believe". The crowd is singing along
and into the song. Most of the throng is female. She maintains the slow
pace with "I Never Want To Be Without You". I must have slept this cut
because I never heard it. So far, the pace of this show is not as fast as the one in Philly. When a concert is a televised event, the show must have a
balance due to the time restraints.
Mary acknowledges the crowd and remembers her beginnings. She brings out a teenage girl and they sing together. The girl's name is Katlyn Nicole.
She lets the girl sing by herself and she rips "I Going Down". Mary is real
and makes the girl's dream come true.
Mary returns to the stage with a black hat that match the boots. She rocks
the heck out of "Be With You". So far this is the best song of her set. She
is soulful and she ad libs the hook. She has the house lights turned up to
see the audience. She sings "Mary Joint".
No costume changes during this set.I would have preferred at least one. I also like when Mary wears her hair up. This is a good show but the one
in Philly was better.
Mary goes back to 1994 and sings "My Life". She don't even the 1st verse
because the crowd is singing to her. She really connects with this audience.
This typical Mary. She sings this in a jazzy Ella Fitzgerald style that is awesome. Killer light show during this song with a strong lead guitar that closes the song. Check out the videos and photos.
Real Love
from What's the 411
Wanna Be With You
from The BreakThrough
Don't Mind
from My Life II

Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
for my review of R.Kelly in Philly.
NFL NFC East Champion 2012-13 Is ...
I thought I would take a moment and handicap the NFC East Divisional
Race. It looks like a three horse race now. The Philadelphia Eagles are
all but mathematically eliminated. They appear to be on a course to finish
no better than 4-12.
The New York Giants are on top of the division with a record of 6-4. They play the Packers this week. I am leaning toward the Pack but I would not
bet the game. The real test will be Monday night when the Giants face the
Washington Redskins. That game could be a battle for first place if the
Redskins win and force a tie with both teams having 6-6 records.
Dallas is banged up and not playing well. They will hang around but fade
at the end. They will finish the season at 8-8.
The Redskins are my pick to win the division.They have a hot quarterback
and have a shot to finish 9-7 at the least. Eli Manning is in a slump and
coming off two consecutive bad games. The connection between Manning
and his wideouts is way off. The Redskins will have a better record in the
division than the other two contenders.
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingGuyM
Race. It looks like a three horse race now. The Philadelphia Eagles are
all but mathematically eliminated. They appear to be on a course to finish
no better than 4-12.
The New York Giants are on top of the division with a record of 6-4. They play the Packers this week. I am leaning toward the Pack but I would not
bet the game. The real test will be Monday night when the Giants face the
Washington Redskins. That game could be a battle for first place if the
Redskins win and force a tie with both teams having 6-6 records.
Dallas is banged up and not playing well. They will hang around but fade
at the end. They will finish the season at 8-8.
The Redskins are my pick to win the division.They have a hot quarterback
and have a shot to finish 9-7 at the least. Eli Manning is in a slump and
coming off two consecutive bad games. The connection between Manning
and his wideouts is way off. The Redskins will have a better record in the
division than the other two contenders.
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingGuyM
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Adele,SkyFall Review with GQ and Esquire Style Notes

I just left viewing the latest James Bond Movie, SkyFall. This is the 23rd
movie of this series. It is the 3rd installment with Daniel Craig in the lead
role as 007. This was a highly anticipated film since the last movie,
Quantum of Solace,premiered in 2008.
Bond is showcasing that he is human and has frailty this time around. He is
not as sharp as we have known him. His nemesis is a former agent name
Silva. Silva is played by Javier Bardem. He has a grudge against M,(Judi
Dench) and is out to destroy the entire M16 unit.
The movie has breathtaking scenes that include a high speed chase
at the very beginning, and climatic battle at the finale.
The on location shots of Macao and Singapore are fantastic. The roles of
Mallory and Eve, played respectively by Ralph Fiennes and Naomie Harris,
prepare for the transition to the next installment.
James Bond's Wardrobe was provided by Tom Ford. This made me think about what style fits him better. Is it GQ or Esquire?
Esquire has the Big Black Book that is a style manual for successful men.
GQ has the Style Guy that give tips for looking your best and succeeding
in the world.
Esquire covers a wider range of accessories that include watches and cars.
It also covers cocktails and shoes.
GQ does more with advice to men on their apartments and a segment on
how to flirt with women. GQ is tailored toward a younger clientele.
My thought is that Bond would be an Esquire Guy. He wears a nice gray
suit at the beginning of the movie that has a slim cut. Check him out when
he adjust his jacket after a leap thru the air.He sports a nice tuxedo when
he hits the casino in the middle of the movie.
Adele did a killer job on the theme song "SkyFall". It ranks up there with
"Goldfinger" and "For Your Eyes Only". I can't wait until the next Bond
adventure. This is a definite go see. Check the video of "SkyFall" below
and hear Adele rip it!
Follow me at @GamingGuyM
James Bond "SkyFall" Video
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Floyd Marshall's "The Conversation"
I checked out a play in Philly yesterday called The Conversation. I don't do plays often. I
am glad I did this one. It is a story about 5 women who meet and discuss everything.
They talk careers,expectations and ideas. They mainly discuss relationships and what
their options are with men .Do they sound like some of the women you know?
The writer of the play is Floyd Marshall. He did a good job with this. The storyline
rarely centers on any one of the characters without allowing the others to share stage time.
This allows the audience to follow the character that they connect with thru out the play.
The characters that I connected with were the lawyer, Pam and Tina.
The lawyer was smart and will to try new things in her quest for romance.She was successful
but not fulfilled in the dating department.
Pam was adventurous and sought an alternative lifestyle in her pursuit of happiness. She
balanced her role admirably in a combative confrontation that takes place in the middle of the
Tina is the player of the group. She wants to meet Mr.Right but wants him to fit a certain
mode. She eventually shift her stance to giving a man a chance to prove himself worthy of
her time and affection.
All five of the characters are attractive women. The roles are played with urban flavor and
have strong exchanges that are heated. Marshall is able to keep it all together. This play
reminded me of the movie "Think Like A Man" by Steve Harvey. If you enjoyed that movie,
I would recommend to you "The Conversation".
More about Floyd Marshall can be found by Google and LinkedIn. He has another play called
"The Rebuttal" and is associated with Gazelle Films.
Follow me for more at @GamingGuyM
am glad I did this one. It is a story about 5 women who meet and discuss everything.
They talk careers,expectations and ideas. They mainly discuss relationships and what
their options are with men .Do they sound like some of the women you know?
The writer of the play is Floyd Marshall. He did a good job with this. The storyline
rarely centers on any one of the characters without allowing the others to share stage time.
This allows the audience to follow the character that they connect with thru out the play.
The characters that I connected with were the lawyer, Pam and Tina.
The lawyer was smart and will to try new things in her quest for romance.She was successful
but not fulfilled in the dating department.
Pam was adventurous and sought an alternative lifestyle in her pursuit of happiness. She
balanced her role admirably in a combative confrontation that takes place in the middle of the
Tina is the player of the group. She wants to meet Mr.Right but wants him to fit a certain
mode. She eventually shift her stance to giving a man a chance to prove himself worthy of
her time and affection.
All five of the characters are attractive women. The roles are played with urban flavor and
have strong exchanges that are heated. Marshall is able to keep it all together. This play
reminded me of the movie "Think Like A Man" by Steve Harvey. If you enjoyed that movie,
I would recommend to you "The Conversation".
More about Floyd Marshall can be found by Google and LinkedIn. He has another play called
"The Rebuttal" and is associated with Gazelle Films.
Follow me for more at @GamingGuyM
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sixers Talk / Sixers vs. New York Knicks
I was able to attend the Sixers game last night. This was the second game of back to back
between the Knicks and Sixers. The Knicks control the first game in New York and won
The Sixers came out strong and took the early lead last night. Then Carmelo Anthony started
to heat up. He was able to get his shot at will against the defense and draw double teams.
The Knicks shot impressive from the outside and lead at halftime. In the third quarter,
Coach Woodson inserted Rasheed Wallace in the game at the 6 minute mark. Rasheed hit
two three pointers and one post up jumper. The Knicks increase the lead to 20 points and
won going away.
I left impress with Melo. He is a complete player that can shoot and pass well. He is a
scorer that can share the ball when doubled in the post. No Sixer could match up with him
defensively. This is where the Sixers miss Andre Iguodala.
The Sixers must figure out the go to guy. When you go down two or three possesions and
don't score, you must have a guy that can get fouled or score a basket. Last night, I didn't
see that guy. Wright, Holiday or Turner must fill that role until Bynum comes back. I would
like to go with Wright as that guy. Turner is better playing the stat stuffer role. He can get
points, rebound and a couple assists. Our clutch guy should be Holiday.
I would like to see the Sixers play a more inspired game against New Orleans.
Follow me for more #SixersTalk on Twitter at @GamingGuyM
between the Knicks and Sixers. The Knicks control the first game in New York and won
The Sixers came out strong and took the early lead last night. Then Carmelo Anthony started
to heat up. He was able to get his shot at will against the defense and draw double teams.
The Knicks shot impressive from the outside and lead at halftime. In the third quarter,
Coach Woodson inserted Rasheed Wallace in the game at the 6 minute mark. Rasheed hit
two three pointers and one post up jumper. The Knicks increase the lead to 20 points and
won going away.
I left impress with Melo. He is a complete player that can shoot and pass well. He is a
scorer that can share the ball when doubled in the post. No Sixer could match up with him
defensively. This is where the Sixers miss Andre Iguodala.
The Sixers must figure out the go to guy. When you go down two or three possesions and
don't score, you must have a guy that can get fouled or score a basket. Last night, I didn't
see that guy. Wright, Holiday or Turner must fill that role until Bynum comes back. I would
like to go with Wright as that guy. Turner is better playing the stat stuffer role. He can get
points, rebound and a couple assists. Our clutch guy should be Holiday.
I would like to see the Sixers play a more inspired game against New Orleans.
Follow me for more #SixersTalk on Twitter at @GamingGuyM
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sixers Opener vs Denver, Andre Iguodala
I went to the Sixers opener last Wednesday against the Denver Nuggets. This was also the
much anticipated return of Andre Iguodala. Iguodala played several seasons in Philly. He
was never truly embraced by the fan base. Many were turned off by the size of his contract.
Others did not connect with his swag.
I felt he was a good player. He gave a solid line every night. Iguodala would have at least
double figure points,6 rebounds and 5 assists. Those are consistently good numbers. The
problem was the scoring average was not as high as the fans expected. Iguodala could always
be counted on to guard the opposing team's best player and provide at least one ESPN highlight
dunk per game.
Iguodala was booed during the pregame introductions and every time he touch the ball. He
answered by hitting his first shot. He also got an open court steal and converted a one handed
dunk over a defender. Then the Sixers organization answered.
At the end of the 1st quarter, the PA announcer directed the crowd's attention to Fan a Vision.
They showed a video highlight of last year's playoffs. They featured Iguodala in key moments
that resulted in wins. The crowd slowly applauded and then stood in unison to acknowledge
Iguodala. Great move by the team to give him the proper send off.
Sixers won the game by 9 due to good defense and balance scoring. Spencer Hawes played
extremely well with 16 points,10 rebounds and 5 blocks. This will make Andrew Bynum
absence less painful.
Sixers play today aginst the Knicks at noon in New York. My next Sixer game is in December
when the Lakers come to town. I may sneak another game in before then.
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
much anticipated return of Andre Iguodala. Iguodala played several seasons in Philly. He
was never truly embraced by the fan base. Many were turned off by the size of his contract.
Others did not connect with his swag.
I felt he was a good player. He gave a solid line every night. Iguodala would have at least
double figure points,6 rebounds and 5 assists. Those are consistently good numbers. The
problem was the scoring average was not as high as the fans expected. Iguodala could always
be counted on to guard the opposing team's best player and provide at least one ESPN highlight
dunk per game.
Iguodala was booed during the pregame introductions and every time he touch the ball. He
answered by hitting his first shot. He also got an open court steal and converted a one handed
dunk over a defender. Then the Sixers organization answered.
At the end of the 1st quarter, the PA announcer directed the crowd's attention to Fan a Vision.
They showed a video highlight of last year's playoffs. They featured Iguodala in key moments
that resulted in wins. The crowd slowly applauded and then stood in unison to acknowledge
Iguodala. Great move by the team to give him the proper send off.
Sixers won the game by 9 due to good defense and balance scoring. Spencer Hawes played
extremely well with 16 points,10 rebounds and 5 blocks. This will make Andrew Bynum
absence less painful.
Sixers play today aginst the Knicks at noon in New York. My next Sixer game is in December
when the Lakers come to town. I may sneak another game in before then.
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
Friday, November 2, 2012
Xfinity Live in Philadelphia Gaming Scene
The 2nd application for a gaming license has surface in South Philadelphia. The group that
runs Xfinity Live is partnering with the owners of Parx Casino to propose a casino hotel
near the stadium complex. This brings together two established operators that have ties to the
The Cordish group not only has ties to Philadelphia. They developed the Walk in Atlantic
City and open Maryland Live in Baltimore. They have a track record in undertaking projects
that have proven successful.
Bob Green is the owner of Parx Casino. He has manage to create a gaming atmosphere out
of a site that was known strictly for horse racing.
The vision of this collaboration is to grow the gaming market to captivate the patrons at the
stadium complex and the out of town guests. The thought is this is a market that is not being
tapped into. This will reduce the threat of cannibalization to the current casino offering in the
The deadline for submitting an application to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is Nov.
15th. I'm willing to bet one more group will surface with an application within the next two
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
runs Xfinity Live is partnering with the owners of Parx Casino to propose a casino hotel
near the stadium complex. This brings together two established operators that have ties to the
The Cordish group not only has ties to Philadelphia. They developed the Walk in Atlantic
City and open Maryland Live in Baltimore. They have a track record in undertaking projects
that have proven successful.
Bob Green is the owner of Parx Casino. He has manage to create a gaming atmosphere out
of a site that was known strictly for horse racing.
The vision of this collaboration is to grow the gaming market to captivate the patrons at the
stadium complex and the out of town guests. The thought is this is a market that is not being
tapped into. This will reduce the threat of cannibalization to the current casino offering in the
The deadline for submitting an application to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is Nov.
15th. I'm willing to bet one more group will surface with an application within the next two
Follow me on Twitter at @GamingguyM
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