Friday, January 4, 2013

HBO's Tyrone Robinson - Aspiring Person of the Week (1)

Tyrone Robinson is working daily at accomplishing his dreams. He works as a dealer at a Philadelphia Casino. Tyrone is proficient in several casino
games. When not at work, he commutes to New York for rehearsal and
classes.Tyrone makes this trip 3 times a week by bus. Ty is a member of the Screen Actors Guild. He has also trained with Lee Colston III and the Meisner Technique. Other renowned performers that utilize the Meisner Technique include Tina Fey, Meryl Streep, Steve Mcqueen and Alec Baldwin. He has acting experience that include a part in the critically acclaimed HBO series, The Wire. Tyrone is attending the famed Maggie Flanigan Studios in Manhattan.He has recently taken a series of photos and head shots to promote his professional image. These are his seven questions.

1). What do you do when you are not working at your craft?

Ty- "I go to the gym to stay fit and release negative energy.My body is my temple and my instrument. I also meditate to keep a clear and focused mind."

2).  How long have you wanted to be an actor?

Ty-  "I've been acting long before I wanted to pursue it as a career. I was
always artistic.I have produced music and dabbed in writing. I tinkered
with acting, not really knowing what I was doing until I took the Meisner
Acting Class 3 years ago. It was there that I learned about the four
key components to acting.They are circumstance, point of view, who
you are talking to and objective."

3). Who is the person whose artistic style you would emulate and why?

Ty-  Johnny Depp. "His range as an actor is phenomenal. I find his character work to be brilliant."

4).What is the hippest city you have ever been in?

Ty-  New York City. "I love the energy in New York". Everyone is on a mission. There is a constant movement and change.
That's what life is about and that's what makes us grow."

5). If you were in a romantic scene in a film,who would you want as your

Ty- "The beautiful and talented, Ms. Kerry Washington."

6). What is your ultimate career goal?

Ty-  "I want to do roles in drama, action or sci fi films. I believe it's
important to surround yourself with positive people in order for
you to fulfill your dreams."
"That being said, You have to sacrifice in order to fulfill the desires
of your heart. I want to leave behind a legacy so that when I'm gone, I'm

7). What quote inspires you?

Ty- "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas Edison

Attached is a clip of Ty's performance on the Critically Acclaim +HBO Series
"The Wire". He is rocking the braids in this segment.

Ty can be reached on Facebook as Ty Robinson.
Ty  is also on Twitter under @FavoriteActor
His E-mail address is

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                                   Twitter at @GamingGuyM

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