Thursday, January 17, 2013

Philadelphia's Upcoming Guitarist Lydia Giordano - Aspiring Person of the Week (3)

Surgeon is a 4 piece Progressive metal band from Philadelphia.
The band has been described  as “visceral, nihilistic beautifully-executed prog metal“* that’s all about “intensity and attitude“ . Mixing hooks with intricate melodic instrumentals Surgeon crafts each song as an individual piece of art. *Black Sabbath along with Rush, and the Melvins are all recognized as influences of the band. Surgeon's sound is best described as a haunting familiarity that lives outside of time.

  Lydia Giordano is the lead guitar shredder and main songwriter in Surgeon. Her focused stage presence and “absolutely crushing guitar riffs“ reveals the confident genius behind the music.  That along with Sean Bolton’s vocals makes up the musical engine that started performing in high schools and basement parties.  Surgeon went on to work with several notable producers on early recording projects as they attempted to define their sound including the most recent release 2008's angry Guest which was recorded in Chicago with Steve Albini.

The Band has performed throughout the country. Some of the more notable
venues include TLA and the Trocadero in Philadelphia. They have done gigs
at the Delancey Room and the Knitting Factory in New York City. Surgeon has
also played to crowds in Washington D.C. and Chicago.

Most recently the band finished recording an Album with Kevin Antreassian at Backroom studios in Rockaway NJ.  The album will be titled Chemical Reign and will be released April 2013. After this the band will start touring and shopping the record to labels.

Lydia works full time as a casino dealer in Philadelphia. She was able to find time for seven questions. 

1).What do you do when you're not practicing your craft?  Lydia - "I love to play card and board games. I am kind of a video nerd as well. So dealing cards is a perfect fit for me."

2). What was your first performance or show?  Lydia - "My 1st gigs were in make shift
basements or a garage where all the cool kids hung out. I've been in a band for as long
as I can remember."

3). Who is your favorite musical artist?  Lydia - "It's hard for me to pick a favorite. I like
different musicians for a variety of reasons and that constantly changes. Right now,
I am listening to the new Gojira, Skeltonwitch and Dethklok albums."

4). What do you use for motivation for pursuing your dream? Lydia - "I am naturally
motivated because I love to write music and play the guitar.. Being in the group is
motivational because working with other people puts pressure on you to do things in
a timely manner."
5). How often do you and the band rehearse? Lydia - "We rehearse twice a week for a
period of 4 hours. We are spending more time in the studio now anticipating the new
album.This way we cover everything and have a neutral perspective in the process.
The entire studio time for the album took approximately three weeks,"
6). What is your ultimate career goal?  Lydia - "Everyone wants to travel the world
and be famous,that the easy answer. The real answer is to reach people with my music
and to live a life where I grow in my experience as an artist."
7). What is your favorite quote?   Lydia -  "Everything you want is on the other side
 of fear." - George Addair



Lydia and Surgeon can be reached for booking engagements and
followed on Facebook. See below.

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