Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sports Betting-By the Numbers:NFL Win Totals


This week is the start of NFL Training Camps.Since the next few weeks are relatively light in terms of activity,you should be focused on the NFL Win Total for your team.Those numbers are available to you on most sports betting apps.

The popular strategy for approaching the total wins is to go through the schedule meticulously and look at each game. Remove the emotional attachment and look at the each game objectively.Add up the number of winsnand compare your number to what the sport betting operator has posted. If your total exceeds the projected amount ,you will make a wager going over. If you have less wins than the projection, then the under is the play.

If you are not able to be objective then focus on the win total of a team that is not in your team's division. It should be a team that you are familiar with. Look at the strgenth of schedule and when the bye week takes place. If there is a key injury to the starting quarterback,does the team you picked have a viable backup.Also look at how many trips a team makes across country.and what was their road record in similar situations last season.

The projections are generally the same at every sports book. The difference will be in the price. An example is the Buffalo Bills. The Bills are projected at10.5 wins.One operator has the under at -150 and the over at +120.A competitor has the same projection with the price -155 for the under and the over at +130.The competitor is offering better odds at the exact same number. Go with the competitor!


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