Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sports Betting-Inside the Numbers:Olympic Marketing

 The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games enaged with an audience of over 3 billion people according to an independent reasearch survey conducted by the IOC.This was via linear TV and digital platforms.Along with the Olympic broadcast partners using media and digital platforms,this led to over 28 billion views.Some of those views were done multiple times by the same people. This is still 139% increase over th 2016 Olympics Games in Rio.The power of streaming can not not be undereatimated and the 2024 Olympics should exceed the record set in 2020.

So how many of these people are your customers and how do you plan to involve them over the next 3 week? I have some suggestions that you can use to connect with your customers.

  1. Provide periodic updates during the games with a personal touch. Have members of your team relay scores or video highlights.Share updates that the customer will find relevant. Have a team member that speak the same language as the customer or in the same age range, initiate the conversation.The patron will value the exchange and the team member solidify the relationship.
  2. Plan a special that coincides with the Olympics Games. If you have brisk business in the morning,offer croissants.If your crowd is mid day to dinner time,steak fries will be appropriate. Both of these choices are synonymous with Paris ,France.
  3. Allow your team members to wear t-shirts representing the country they are rooting for. This   acknowleges their lineage and the heritage of their ancestors.The employees will feel proud working for you during this two week period.  
  4. Poll your clientele and gauge the interest in a watch party.If you get a response rate of 50%,you can realistically expect 30 to 60% of that group to come. Depending on your budget,you can entertain your guests with games of corn hole,Culture Tags and Five Card Draw Poker. Everyone has the opportunity to play with the top three people getting a prize ranking Gold,Silver and Bronze.
  5. Sports Betting on the Olympics has some intrguing odds. The numbers range from prohibitive favoritess  to long shots.The USA Mens and Womens Basketball are the overwhelming favorites. The USA Soccer Team is a 25-1 long shot to win a gold medal.You can bet on what country will win the most gold medals and if the USA will win under 40.5 Gold Medals/ The odds are set at -130 for the under.China has the same under price but the number is set at 34.5. 

If you are not connecting your venue or brand with something related to the Olympics,there should be a serious look at how you are connecting with your customers.Just by celebrating the diversity of the participants will create a buzz. If you totally sleeping this opportunity then I know you should be conversing with me before NFL starts this fall!

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