Monday, July 15, 2024

Sports Betting-Inside the Numbers:Favorites

 Sports Betting has a variable that all pundits or bettors are aware of. Who is the favorite is the question asked before any contest or event between teams or individuals.This is the team or individual that is generally considered as the better of the two.The consensus of the public along with the statistics associated with opponents plays a part.

The Sports Betting Operators assess the opponents once an event is scheduled and within moments,provide the betting community with a number. While the bettors is lookung at emotional attachments and personal prefences,the operators uses algorithms and data to arrive at a number. The number the operator selects is designed to create a balance of interest in the event. 

When a popular team is onvolved,balance is hard to achieve. Some rabid fans of the Kansas City Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles will wager on their home teams  regardless of the designation as a favorite  or a underdog. An undefdog is the team that is viewed as the weaker of the two. Regional Sports Book Operators are quietly rooting that the home team wins but does not cover the number assigned to the event. Covering the number is qinning by more than the figure posted. The Eagles may be favored by 7 points over the New York Giants. The Sports Book Manager in Philadelphia wants to win money. The way to do that is for favorites to loses or at least not cover.

When a number is assigned,there are  two segments that follow it. Smart Money comes in first. Smart Money is from people that are astute sports bettors that generally wager limit or high amounts of money.Smart Money is known to take advantage of a line  or number. Public Money comes next. The public takes time to decipher the number. In that time,the sports book operator can slightly adjust the number based on the smart money wagered initially.

My next post will go into how the operator arrives at a number and the strategy associated with it. Remember that knowlege and discipline equare to power! Always think smart responsible gaming.

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