Saturday, August 17, 2024

NFL and Fanatics Multiverse: 2024 Superman

 The 2024 NFL Season is less than 3 weeks away.So one of the events that has everyone's attention right now is the Fanatic Fest in New York City. With so many former NFL stars in attendance at this event,I saw a merge of two cultures,the sports world and the comic sphere. Fanatics Fest encouraged people to live out their fanstasies by dressing up in apparel that imitated past legends and celebrities. 

I decided to bring the context into 2024 by envisioning a current player playing the role of an action superhero. The ath;ete had to posess traits that would make the portrayal resemble the character. The character I chose is DC Comic Hero Superman. The players I would have vie for the role are Jalen Hurts of the Philadelphia Eagles and Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens. Both players have agility,speed and strength. Either player would portray the role of Superman well. 

Jackson's NFL resume includes two MVP . Hurts has lead his team to the 2023 Super Bowl. Jackson had 5 rushing towndowns in 2023. Hurts had 15 rushing TDs last year. Which one embodies the role of Superman? As you assess the players include statistics and attributes.

Here is a clip so you can visualize the comparision.  

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